Thursday, August 20, 2009

Malware Spyware Strikes Back

We have noticed in the past few weeks an increase in infected computers with malicious malware or spyware. Especially one called Personal Antivirus. It is important to use extreme caution when surfing the web. If your computer gets infected, it could cost hundreds of dollars to remove the malware and you could lose important data. So, the best defense is to limit your web surfing on your work computer and to stay away from sites like myspace and facebook. Also, if you see any pop-ups that reference your antivirus protection, do not click on anything!! Just step away from the computer and call your computer tech. By clicking on things, you can actually start installing viruses on your computer and make things much worse. These bugs are very clever and will disguise pop ups to look like real messages, when in fact, they are viruses themselves. So, be careful out there. Also see our previous post about helpful software that can catch some malware before it goes too far...but before you do your computer tech.

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